Pavement Crack Sealing Services
The TXShare awarded contracts for Pavement Crack and Sealing Services are capable of providing the following categories.
Category 1: Hot Poured Polymer Material Only.
Category 2: Hot Poured Polymer Material & Application.
Category 3: Ready-Mixed Cold-Applied Material Only.
Category 4: Ready-Mixed Cold-Applied Material & Application.
Category 5: Thermoplastic Cold-Applied Material Only.
Category 6: Thermoplastic Cold-Applied Material & Application.
Category 7: Ancillary Service and Related Supplies
Contract Administrator:
Charlie Oberrender, CPPB
Purchasing Agent
Office: (817) 695-9289
TXShare Pavement Crack Sealing Services RFP
TXShare Pavement Crack Sealing Services Advertisement
Pavement Crack Sealing Services NCTCOG Board Resolution Approval