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    Executive Search and Recruitment Services

    This TXShare-awarded contract makes the below services available for our TXShare members to utilize when the need arises for thier organization. 
    • Executive Search and Recruitment Services - To identify, assess and recruit top-level executives and senior management professionals
    • Succcession Planning - To provide guidance in planning for future leadership needs. This includes identifying and preparing potential leaders within the organization to fill key positions in the event of retirements, resignations, or expansion.
    • Interim Executives - Provide temporary executive leadership during periods of transition, such as the sudden departure of a key executive or director.
    • Other Related Consulting Services - To offer consulting services related to organizational design, talent strategy, leadership development, or any other related services for helping organizations align their talent strategy with their business objectives.
    Contract Administrator: 
    Charlie Oberrender, CPPB

    Purchasing Agent
    Office: (817) 695-9289
    Cell: (281) 610-8914 

    SGR TXShare Executive Search Consulting MSA

    SGR Executive Search Consulting Proposed Pricing

    Executive Search and Recruitment Services TXShare RFP

    Executive Search and Recruitment Services TXShare Advertisement

    Executive Search and Recruitment Services NCTCOG Board Authorization (Executed Approval)


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